いっしょに生きよう - 死にたいあなたへ ビクトリアス| 【悩みを解決】-無料の相談掲示板
no suicide。悩み相談掲示板サイト。無料です。

悩み相談掲示板 > ビクトリアス


日時: 2014/02/21 22:10 ( spmode)
名前: エンジェル



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Re: ビクトリアス ( No.1 )
日時: 2014/02/21 22:21 (ocn)
名前: 空猫

Give It Up

Someday I'll let you in
Treat you right
Drive you outta your mind

You never met a chick like me
Burn so bright
I'm gonna make you blind

Always want what you can't have
Is it so bad if you don't get what you wanted
Make you feel good
As I whip you
Into shape, ya boy
Let's get it started!

Give it up
You can't win
Cause I know where you've been
Such a shame
You don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play
At the end of the night
It's the same old story
But you never get it right
Give it up

Come a little closer
Baby, baby
Come a little closer
Come a little closer
Baby, baby

So stop trying to walk away
No you won't ever leave me behind


You better believe that I'm here to stay
(That's right)

Cause you're the shade and I'm the sunshine

Look at me boy
'Cause I got you
Where I want you
Isn't it so exciting?
Wanna shake you
Wanna break you
Take a backseat boy
Cause now I'm driving

Give it up
You can't win
Cause I know where you've been
Such a shame
You don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play
At the end of the night
It's the same old story
But you never get it right
Give it up

A oooh yeaaah
Ah oooho heeey
Hey yeah yeah yeaaaah

Come a little closer
Come a little closer
Baby, baby
Come a little closer
Come a little closer
Baby, baby
Come a little closer
Come a little closer
If you are my baby
Then I'll make you crazy tonight

Look at me boy
'Cause I got you
Where I want you
Isn't it so exciting?
Wanna shake you
When I break you
Take a backseat boy
Cause now I'm driving

Give it up
You can't win
Cause I know where you've been
Such a shame
You don't put up a fight
That's a game that we play
At the end of the night
It's the same old story
But you never get it right
Give it up

Re: ビクトリアス ( No.2 )
日時: 2014/02/22 09:28 (spmode)
名前: エンジェル

本当にスイマセンm(_ _)m
No.1に対する返信 ( No.3 )
日時: 2014/02/22 11:05 (dion)
名前: まーちゃん

> Give It Up
> Someday I'll let you in
> Treat you right
> Drive you outta your mind
> Oooh
> You never met a chick like me
> Burn so bright
> I'm gonna make you blind
> [Both:]
> Always want what you can't have
> Is it so bad if you don't get what you wanted
> Make you feel good
> As I whip you
> Into shape, ya boy
> Let's get it started!
> [Both:]
> Give it up
> You can't win
> Cause I know where you've been
> Such a shame
> You don't put up a fight
> That's a game that we play
> At the end of the night
> It's the same old story
> But you never get it right
> Give it up
> [Both:]
> Come a little closer
> Baby, baby
> Come a little closer
> Come a little closer
> Baby, baby
> So stop trying to walk away
> No you won't ever leave me behind
> (Noooo)
> You better believe that I'm here to stay
> (That's right)
> Cause you're the shade and I'm the sunshine
> (Ooooohh)
> [Both:]
> Look at me boy
> 'Cause I got you
> Where I want you
> Isn't it so exciting?
> Wanna shake you
> Wanna break you
> Take a backseat boy
> Cause now I'm driving
> [Both:]
> Give it up
> You can't win
> Cause I know where you've been
> Such a shame
> You don't put up a fight
> That's a game that we play
> At the end of the night
> It's the same old story
> But you never get it right
> Give it up
> A oooh yeaaah
> Ah oooho heeey
> Hey yeah yeah yeaaaah
> [Both:]
> Come a little closer
> Come a little closer
> Baby, baby
> Come a little closer
> Come a little closer
> Baby, baby
> Come a little closer
> Come a little closer
> Baby
> If you are my baby
> Then I'll make you crazy tonight
> [Both:]
> Look at me boy
> 'Cause I got you
> Where I want you
> Isn't it so exciting?
> Wanna shake you
> When I break you
> Take a backseat boy
> Cause now I'm driving
> [Both:]
> Give it up
> You can't win
> Cause I know where you've been
> Such a shame
> You don't put up a fight
> That's a game that we play
> At the end of the night
> It's the same old story
> But you never get it right
> Give it up
> Ohhhh
> これでよければどーぞw
> 私もビクトリアス見てて、ビクトリアスのCD買いました^^

Re: ビクトリアス ( No.4 )
日時: 2014/02/22 11:40 (spmode)
名前: エンジェル

Re: ビクトリアス ( No.5 )
日時: 2014/02/22 12:30 (hi-ho)
名前: 藍染



Re: ビクトリアス ( No.6 )
日時: 2014/02/22 23:40 (ocn)
名前: 空猫

申し訳ないです(✖ฺд✖ฺ;; )

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2014年4月10日 ... 今から書く曲の英語のカタカナ歌詞を教えてください。 ?アナと雪の女王より「ありの? ままの?♪」 「雪だるま作ろう?♪」 「生まれ?ては?じめ?て?♪」 ?レ・ミゼラブル より「民衆の歌(最後の)」 「コゼットが森の中で歌う歌」 ?ビクトリアス?...

ビクトリアス| 【悩みを解決】-無料の相談掲示板